Friday, November 13 • 11:00 - 12:30
WS 54 The Destabilization of Internet Governance

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This panel will examine the implications of government and private actors placing pressure on systems of Internet administration and challenging enduring principles of universality, efficiency, openness, and permissionless innovation. Systems of Internet design and administration are now recognized as sites of economic and political power and being co-opted for purposes far beyond their original functions. For example, the Domain Name System is being used for a number of purposes completely outside of its original design goal, including intellectual property rights enforcement through DNS takedowns, and censorship, through various blocking and redirection techniques. There is an accompanying rise in disputes over territorial and trademark Internet names and nation-specific Internet policies such as data localization, the Right to be Forgotten, and alternative naming systems. More broadly, the long arc of geopolitical tension over the role of the US, the ITU, ICANN, developing countries, and multinational companies in Internet governance is rising. Much attention is already focused on the implications of these shifts for the economy and for civil liberties but what about the technology itself? This panel analyzes the possible effects of top-down Internet policies on Internet architecture and examines the type of technical framework for Internet governance that could both sustain an open and stable Internet architecture but also address legitimate concerns of policymakers. The expected outcome of this panel is to encourage dialogue between the technical community and policy makers.

Session Organizers
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Lorrayne Porciuncula

Internet Economist / Policy Analyst, OECD
Lorrayne Porciuncula is an Economist/ Policy Analyst at the Digital Economy and Policy Division (CDEP) of the Directorate Science, Technology and Innovation in the OECD. Lorrayne works on the OECD-IDB Broadband Policy Toolkit for Latin America and the Caribbean that aims to situate... Read More →

Friday November 13, 2015 11:00 - 12:30 GMT-03
Workshop Room 8

Attendees (1)